Why do creative rights matter?
Posters, social media tiles and great reasons to value creative rights.
Good for our economy
Creative rights play an important role in the growth of our creative industries. They give authors, illustrators and publishers ownership of their creations — and the right to be paid for their work. They’re fair and they’re incentivising. They fuel the creation of more Aotearoa New Zealand books for us all to enjoy, and the money earned contributes to our economy.
Good for our culture
Creative rights help fuel the creation of stories that speak to our shared and specific experiences. They play a critical role in incentivising the creation of a broad and diverse range of books about us. And these stories in turn reflect who we are, and help us to see ourselves and where we might be going.
Good for our social wellbeing
Our homegrown books have a positive impact on literacy, offer connection, and help us develop empathy. Reading for interest is also linked to better social and economic outcomes for children. By incentivising the creation of local books, creative rights help pack school, library and bookshop shelves with stories our children identify with, and love to read.
Social media tiles
Click each image above to download the corresponding social media message tile.
Post them to your social media and help spread the message that creative rights are critical for local books and authors.
Use hashtags #KeepthePagesTurning and #CreativeRightsNZ. Please tag @CreativeReadsNZ.
Click the images below to view and download each A3 printable poster.
Print them out and display them to show your support for creative rights and Aotearoa New Zealand’s book sector.