Our Stories
Just how important are local books? Hear from people who write, make, sell, read, learn from and love our Aotearoa New Zealand books.

Vasanti Unka
“Local children’s publishing is vital. Our tamariki are unique. Books about them and the world they occupy, are tremendously important.”

Holly Washbourn
“There’s something different about reading books set in the place you live. You get a jolt of recognition.”

Emma Neale
“When an author goes on to publish more and more, it gives me a feeling of taking part in something significant.”

Nikki Crutchley
“My books, to me, are things of value. So much blood, sweat and, literally, tears go into them.”

Matt Comeskey and Emily Falloon
“Maintaining strong relationships with local creators is integral to what we do as a New Zealand publisher.”

Louise Ward
“To see someone who has created something you admire and to have the chance to hear and talk with them can be a life-changing event.”